Mr. Timothy Whittaker
Tim joined
HomeEquity Bank after 13-years building an
exemplary book-of-business with IG Wealth as
a senior financial planner focused
exclusively with HNW & Ultra HNW clients.
Tim has an
entrepreneur mindset – having previously
created 4 distinct businesses and working
globally in 17 distinct industry segments
including the entertainment field,
electronics, solar & wind power system
development in EU, marine and heavy
transportation power systems. A career
highlight was working directly for a
Canadian business icon and the establishment
of the Jim Pattison Trade Group focused on
creating efficiencies and opportunities
within the 68 distinct companies in that
private business.
Tim’s curious
nature led him to discover HEB and CHIP
Reverse Mortgage and quickly spotting new
opportunities amongst client profiles he has
long-served. Having an opportunity to sell
his book-of-business recently, Tim is now
determined to leverage these Wealth
opportunities and expand HEB distribution in
the GVA.